January 6-8, 2012
- その他|OTHER
TWS Shibuya (Tokyo)
作品概要 Outline
アントン・チェーホフによる名作戯曲「桜の園」の良質な上演を目指す――のではなく、 作中に描かれる登場人物たちの愚かな右往左往をそのまま生き直すかのように 出演者たちのこれまでの人生を解釈し、必要とあらば実際にねじ曲げ、 そのままこれを演劇として提示する。
帝政ロシア末期、資金難と適応力不足のために 父祖伝来の家屋敷を手放さざるを得なかった貴族たちや周囲の人々の顛末を描いた「桜の園」の精神を尊重し、これをそのまま公演参加者、とりわけ団体主宰たる危口自身の境遇に当て嵌め、実生活の改造までを含めた一連のプロセスを基に作劇。「TWSレジデンス期間中に新作の準備を開始しスタッフや出演者を集め説明会を開いたはいいものの、その数日後、生きているのか死んでいるのかよくわからないゾンビとなってしまった危口統之。彼を(半―不在の)中心としつつ、残された公演関係者たちは、稽古を再開するでもなく、解散中止に踏み切るでもなく、危口の居室に屯ろしながら、当初は制作に充てるはずだった助成金(都民の血税)を勝手に使い込みダラダラと過ごすのだった」
This production aims to give quality performance of “The Cherry Orchard,” a highly acclaimed masterpiece by Anton Chekhov — except not. Rather, it interprets the real life of participating actors (forcefully, if necessary) as if they are reliving the foolish deeds of the original characters, and this entirety will be presented as a theater piece.
“The Cherry Orchard” depicts the aristocrats and the surrounding people of late imperial Russia, who were forced to let go of their ancestral property due to the lack of finance and inability to change. Respecting the spirit of the original, here the situation is being directly applied to the participating actors, particularly to the director Kiguchi’s circumstances, as the basis of theater production that includes the remodeling process of his daily life.
“Noriyuki Kiguchi, who was preparing to direct a new play during his artist-in-residency period at TWS, gathered his cast and crew to conduct a meeting. A few days later, he turned into a zombie; it is unclear whether he is dead or alive. With the half-present (or half-absent) director in the center, the remaining staff neither resumed the rehearsal nor decided to cancel the show, but instead they would take out the grant money (a.k.a. the citizens’ precious tax payment), which was originally for the theater budget, as they continued to hang out in Kiguchi’s living room.”
出演者 Cast
Yu Araki 荒木悠
Tomoko Inoue 井上知子
Rie Usui (MOMONGA COMPLEX) 臼井梨恵(モモンガ・コンプレックス)
Ayumu Kamio 神尾歩
Takuya Takemoto 武本拓也
Kousuke Matsunobu 松延耕資
Showta Mori森翔太
Kohtarou Yagi 八木光太郎
Noriyuki Kiguchi 危口統之
スタッフ Staff
graphic design:
Yasuwo Miyamura 宮村泰朗
stage design+production:
Takuma Ishikawa 石川卓磨
Yosuke Kawamoto 河本洋介
Hirohumi Watanabe 渡部紘史
sound :
Takaaki Yamamuro 山室毅聡
Kentarou Maruse 丸瀬顕太郎
costume :
Mai Shitara 設楽麻衣
Rie Usui 臼井梨恵
photo shooting:
Daisuke Sugita 杉田大輔
Aya Kaneko 金子文
Kao Kanamori 金森香
Yuko Tanabe 田辺夕子
Hiroaki Miura 三浦大明
supported by:
Pijin Neji 捩子ぴじん
Teppei Fujiara 藤原徹平
Keita Ito 伊藤啓太
Masato Eguchi 江口正登
Masaru Ito 伊藤愉
FaiFai 快快
Theatre Productsシアタープロダクツ
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Tokyo Wonder Siteトーキョーワンダーサイト