ウエブサイト公開にあたってご挨拶|Notice for website release

この度、2019年12月31日 に、危口統之「悪魔のしるし」 ウェブサイトを公開いたします。







危口統之作品蒐集計画 有志一同

Notice for website release

On December 31, 2019, Noriyuki Kiguchi “AKUMANOSHIRUSHI” website has been released.

We are ashamed to tell you that this website is still in the process of construction and getting things together, still registering and working on the English translation.However we would like everyone to view the works even little by little.
(sorry for this bad translation)

The website created by Noriyuki Kiguchi himself in the past is left as it was when he last updated. At the moment, the introduction of individual performances is still in the process of being registered, so please refer to the old website for the time being.

There may be a lack of information. Please let us know if you have any suggestions or corrections regarding the content.

Thank you very much to the following:
Rui Ishiguro and Masao Nakamoto for their efforts in creating the website, all the people who helped and supported with the crowd funding, and the Kiguchi family.

NORIYUKI KIGUCHI archiving project team